According to experts, the first step in recovering from any crisis is understanding our emotions. The experience of being heard and seen is an important factor in maintaining psychological resilience. Based on this insight, we wanted to create a place where emotionally introverted Finns could see their emotions represented. Museum of Contemporary Emotions was created to help Finns to cope with Covid-19's crisis, and as new crisis, like war in Europe, occurred, it has continued to offer emotional support.

Left: '...beads of sweat are running down my neck.’
Right: Toilet Paper Chaos

Left: ‘After the first week, I’m crying in the sauna.’
Right: Family Bliss

Left: ‘...I don't put the laptop's camera on, if dad will walk by.’
Right: Child without class room

Left: ‘I’m not part of the masses. I refuse to be afraid.’
Right: Conspiracy Theories

Alone in the launch period, 28,000 visited the Museum.
60% of Finns say it is important this Museum exists.
6 million earned media impressions.
58 million earned media reach.
60% of Finns say it is important this Museum exists.
6 million earned media impressions.
58 million earned media reach.
https://nykytunteenmuseo.fi/ (Finnish)
https://museumofcontemporaryemotions.fi/ (English)
https://museetfornutidskansla.fi/ (Swedish)